Camp Meeting Time Again

Claymour (KY) Camp Meeting Tabernacle

I always enjoy making the “Give Me That Old Time Religion: Camp Meetings” presentation. Yesterday, I delivered this talk to the Cardinal at North Hills community. As part of the presentation I circulated my collection of hand held fans used at camp meetings and communion tokens that were required at some camp meetings before one could participate in the Lord’s Supper. The photo above is of a Camp Meeting tabernacle (looks like a barn to me) in Kentucky. In 1904 they had a serious drought in this community, met to pray for rain, and it starting raining. They have been meeting every since and it is said that it always rains during camp meeting.

About Gary Moore

Gary Moore is a retired professor from North Carolina State University. He is an award-winning teacher and has made presentations in 41 states, 3 Canadian provinces and on 4 continents.
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