The Old Time Camp Meetings

When I speak about the old time camp meetings and circuit rider preachers, the reactions I get are interesting. Last week I spoke at the Hayes Barton Baptist Church in Raleigh. One audience member said he had never heard of camp meetings. Another wanted to know if they still existed (yes, they do. There are at least 10 active in North Carolina and more in South Carolina). One person said she and her trio had sung at the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting in New Jersey. One lady said her great grandfather was a circuit rider preacher and would preach hell fire on his circuit and then come home and give his family hell. Sometimes I think I learn more than the audience does.

About Gary Moore

Gary Moore is a retired professor from North Carolina State University. He is an award-winning teacher and has made presentations in 41 states, 3 Canadian provinces and on 4 continents.
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