Fountain Park Chautauqua – Indiana


There is a good bit of difference between the Chautauqua in Indiana and the one in New York. However, they are both enjoyable. It was a pleasure to speak about the history of the outhouse to the Fountain Park Chautauqua. The name is derived from the landmark fountain located in the park like center of the Chautauqua grounds. However, once you get outside of the park-like setting, you are surrounded by corn and soybean fields.

I traveled on up into Michigan after this engagement to speak to a group of retired agriculture teachers about the Smith-Hughes Act. My presentation was unique in that I spoke from behind a sheet with a backlit spotlight because I was appearing as the ghost of Dudley Hughes.


About Gary Moore

Gary Moore is a retired professor from North Carolina State University. He is an award-winning teacher and has made presentations in 41 states, 3 Canadian provinces and on 4 continents.
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